Unfailing Terminology

Lou Burruss

Wednesday, Mar 24, 2010

Catching the pull requires four players: a 1, a 2, a Short Fill, and a Deep Fill. Everyone else can have their heads up their asses and it’ll be okay.

The 1’s job is to catch the pull and make the first pass.

The 2’s job is to set themselves up to catch the first pass, catch the first pass and then deliver the big throw to the 3.

The Short Fill’s job is to read the pull and the defense. If the first pass isn’t going to be contested they say, “You’re okay.” If the defense is going to cover the first pass, the SF says, “The D is on.”

The Deep Fill’s job is to read the pull and set the stack in the correct place. It doesn’t have to be the Deep Fill, it could be the 4 or the 7. It should be someone who knows what they are doing and can read the field.

A note on the terminology: it’s NYNY’s. The play goes 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 with Short Fill, Deep Fill, and 7 stepping in as necessary should the play break down. You will find that this terminology is good and will hold regardless of what kind of offense you are running. Basically, your 1 is your set up man, your 2 is your hucker, your 3 is your best player and in-out threat, and your 4 is your deep threat.

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