The key goal when receiving the pull is to get into your play/offense as quickly and safely as possible. A few thoughts on how to do this:
Unless the pull is going out of bounds or a big blade in a nice wind, catch it and get it moving. If it’s a big blade, stop it as soon as it hits and do the same thing. The only situation which I can think of in which you would not want to do this is if the pull is going to hit and slide out of bounds AND the defense is already set up on all the people you might throw to. That’s pretty rare, so get it going.
If you are trying to get the disc to the center of the field (common in a horizontal offense), then it is a good idea to have that thrower start near the middle of your line on the pull, and the other two handlers lined up near the outsides. That way either one of them can receive the pull. As soon as it is determined who will receive the pull, the other handler must get into position so you have options. The defense, especially if they know your team, will work hard to stop your first option. You need the second option, and sometimes a third option. Just having this first pass option is not enough — you need to have an ability to run the play or your offense off of this.
One special option: We used to call this “X” and it would be called after the pull. If the pull was deep, and especially if it was windy and we were going upwind, the ‘option handler’ could call “X.” This means that the option handler would receive the first pass and then pass it to the person who was supposed to receive that pass. This let us take two passes to move the disc. It’s a good option when the defense isn’t covering quickly or when you are worried about the wind.
Your upfield players must get into position quickly. If they do this, you are basically already running your offense. You may define a first set that is different from your flow, but it is still key to get into it. If even a single player lags behind, that’s one defender who can mess up the works.
Have a language. There should be clear communication as the pull comes in. Define who will say what and exactly what that person will say. For example, some teams will choose the side of the field to attack while the pull is in the air — if so, know who is calling that (is it the person to receive the first pass? the option?), know what to say (if you say “left” which side is that?), and know what the options are. Even just saying “You got time” makes a difference. The pull receiver can then think about one thing — catching the pull. When calling the offense/positions before the pull, it should be known who says what.
Get some yards, but don’t stress about it. Try to get some yards on the first pass, but it is more important that this is a good, safe pass. There is no reason to push this one and try to get too much. This will dictate your setup. Your up-field players should plan to set up based on where the person receiving the first pass will be. This means that person needs to get to this spot quickly. The location will depend on the quality of the pull and the speed of the defense. I would also suggest that this person plan to get to a spot and then move back towards the thrower a bit. That gives a little more leeway for a mistake on the throw — that first pass can be harder than you think.
Look! Never marry a setup. Look at the D.
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