The Holy Grail Of This Sport

Adam Sigelman

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Like all things holy, the more you try to explain it with words, the farther you get from its essence…

Look: If you are on the field and thinking about getting a layout block, you’re likely not playing good defense. I don’t think there is a recipe for getting a layout block . I suppose you could practice, and I have seen people working on their diving and landing techniques. But it also requires a tremendous amount of luck.

First, the thrower has to make a decision that throwing to your man is the best option. This point sounds obvious, but it’s important to recognize. It means that for whatever reason, the throw either yields a big reward compared to the risk of turnover, or the thrower miscalculates and thinks the receiver is more open than she is. Let’s say you are the best defender on the team and consistently smother whoever you are guarding. You will end up with no layout blocks if the throwers always look off your man. How many layout blocks you get should never be the barometer of the quality of your defense.

Second, the thrower has to make a bad throw. Perhaps the throw is a little too far on the inside, or floated a little too long. Whatever happened, you had the time to hurl yourself at it and get a piece. But if you blocked the throw, it should have never been thrown or it should have been thrown better. Good throwers and cutters know this. If you are thinking “layout block” and baiting a throw, they will make you pay by either putting the disc out to space where you can’t get it or throwing a pump fake and hitting your man going the other way.

Here’s my advice for getting layout blocks, both for individuals and for entire teams. Play hard-nosed, take-no-prisoners defense. Follow the guidelines for effective D that have been enumerated many other times throughout this blog and elsewhere (dictate, triangulate, limit the cushion, use your body, etc.). Get in your man’s shorts and deny the disc, beating her to every spot. And then, when the thrower does make a mistake (and even the best will on occasion), you’ll know what to do.

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