Answers To All Of These Questions

Tully Beatty

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Do young players have any chance of making the team as an offensive player? What about as a handler? As a hucker? What would they have to show you to prove their worth?

Sure they do and it depends on their skill set. It’s more than likely easier for one to make it as a hucker first; pretty much everyone can huck it. Making it as a primary handler (a “1”) is somewhat tougher.

Is calm, conservative play better? Or do you want to see highlight reel moves, throws, and catches?

I prefer a combination of the two which is possible, but most players can’t pull off the balancing act.

Say you are a young player with a specialty throw (something out of the normal repetoire). You are confident in that throw, but it doesn’t really fit easily into a team’s offense (rather, they could change how they play to take advantage of this talent). Should you show this in tryout scrimmages?

I think so but obviously not all the time and on those turns your defense has to be prettier than your offense was ugly.

What is most important: practices or tournaments?

That’s not quite a quick answer like the others; but I’ll go with practice. Tournaments are the luxury.

How should tryouts behave and carry themselves? Some captains and coaches love people that ask a ton of questions, and others want people that want a lot of feedback. Or give their opinions. Or are silent, strong teammates. What are you looking for? Does the personality of a player figure large into whether they can make the team? What about an obnoxious player with tremendous talent?

Tryouts should be determined, with a feel of confidence about them. They should be putting out there what they think the last 10% of 100% is. That measure has never failed me in the past when critiquing others/tryouts. It’s probably a collective thinking among those tryouts, in their drive to the site: “I’m gonna give these guys 100% today.” Okay, great; but what’s that last 10% mean to you? What am I looking for? I’m looking for the casual approach or an approach that’s mostly callow.

If personality mattered, or mattered greatly, there’d be a great many savage seven squads out there. Aren’t most tremendously talented players obnoxious? For those that fit that description as a tryout, I think that’s part of their talent and it’s something they can work on over the long haul of the season if they survive the cut. And of course this comes down to personnel management and is one of the reason why being a captain can be so damned thankless.

For your team, does everyone try out, or are returning players safe? How long are your tryouts? Is this optimal? Is there anything about the tryout process that you think teams should do more often?

Up until a few season ago, returning players were safe on the team that I competed for. It may have been 2006 when returners had to actually make the team. Funny how some decide to play coed when the word gets out. Tryouts usually run once a week for three weeks; but there’s also a weekly pickup or competitive scrimmage during this time as well. Also, there’s an early tournament, such as terminus where interested tryouts are invited.

It’s difficult because of the tourney calendar, but good club teams should make themselves available to college teams early in the semester: provide clinics to teams within their section. 2 or 3 times early in the semester to accommodate all the teams is what I’m thinking. I know it’d be tough because of all the tournaments, but at least some of the second tier teams could attend, they have ballers too.

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