Handling: Vision
Having great throws is one thing, but what makes a great handler is how those throws are used. A lot of characteristics that apply can be said about any great player, like the ability to consistently get open, especially late in the stall, and in a dangerous place to make the next throw. The great ones blend taking opportunities and making opportunities. With handlers, I think what separates the great ones, beyond just having great throws, is vision.
Vision involves being able to see the field; the whole field, not just the primary cutters or the play in motion. Spaces are opening and closing, cutters are changing directions and speeds. A great handler takes all of this in, anticipating cutters’ motions to hit a new space she’s cutting into, or hitting her just as she plants and turns under for max yardage gain. Reads the body language of a poacher as he starts to step off his man, pump fakes to get him to bite and then hits his man on the break side. That weak-side handler or h-stack cutter sneaking down the far sideline can catch his defender sleeping when the handler sees it developing and puts up the throw.
Besides reading the field in the moment, a great handler will anticipate changes on the field over the course of a game. Every defense gives up something, and having vision is knowing where the vulnerabilities lie and how to take advantage of them using those great throws. A great handler will also manipulate the defense, capitalizing on areas of weakness and forcing them to change, opening new opportunities to strike. Take a few deep shots early in the game in order to set up the easy, big yardage gain in-cuts later in the game when the defense starts backing. Throwing a few swings around the cup and entice the off-mark to slide over away from the middle into that lane and bite on a fake, then hit a popper through the cup.
All of these scenarios involve solid decision-making based on calculated risks. A great handler knows when that big incredible throw is likely to pay off, and when it’s better to rely on the consistent throws and basic offensive strategy.